We specialize in catering to the unique needs of professionals in various industries seeking high-quality art for their projects or clients.

Whether you are an interior designer, real-estate professional, corporate art buyer, or involved in hospitality management, our gallery is equipped to provide tailored services and exclusive benefits to enhance your commercial endeavors.


With our extensive experience in the art world, we understand the intricacies of acquiring art for a range of commercial settings.


Partner with us to transform your spaces with the perfect blend of art and professionalism:

Partnership Benefits

We specialize in catering to the unique needs of professionals in various industries seeking high-quality art for their projects or clients.

Collectors Discount Program

We provide a discount if a client is looking to place multiple pieces in their facility.

Preferred Pricing

As one of our commercial partners you always receive preferred pricing for your clients. We have offer pricing quotes within 24 hours.

Delivery / Logistics

27 years in the business has enabled us to get simply the best shipping and logistics pricing. We build our own crates, and insure it door to door.

Virtual Installations

We provide (free of charge) virtual installations for spaces / walls you are looking to fill (or sculptures!).

Sample Collections

Explore a preview of our extensive art offerings:

Canadian Contemporary

Ken Harrison

Kenneth’s commitment to recording the Canadian landscape has allowed him to evolve from impressionism to modernism; concentrating on style and colour to capture the fourth dimension. As a member of the American Society of Plein Air Painters, Kenneth has developed a keen eye for the rugged beauty of the Canadian landscape.

Back by The Boathouse 40x48x1.50, oil on canvas
Mt Burgess Over Emerald Lake 36x36x1.50, oil on canvas

Charlie Easton

Charlie Easton comes from a family of fine British painters. He moved to Vancouver, Canada, in 2006 and immediately fell in love with the same scenery that inspired many of the group of seven artists. Getting outside to paint is a priority for Charlie, as he tries to capture light, colour and movement in all of his pieces.

Joffre Light, 48x60, acrylic on canvas
Bigger, Older, Wiser, 48x108, acrylic on canvas

Shannon Ford

Best known for her intuitive bold contemporary painting style and her use of her hand made precious and semiprecious gemstone powers, Shannon gives credit to her intuition, imagination and dreams in guiding her painting process. Shannon’s collectors value most the unique way her paintings appear well drawn and technically accurate from a distance while being free flowing, naturally abstract and infused with multiple colours when viewed from close up.

Black Bear Wonder, 48x48x1.50, acrylic on canvas with tanzanites, star sapphires and topaz
Wolfe Passage into the Mind, 36x30, acrylic on canvas with 24k gold and palladium

Corrinne Wolcoski

Corrinne Wolcoski has completed hundreds of large scale canvases depicting the beauty of the West Coast. This love of nature and pursuit to capture the serene calmness she experiences is what inspires her to create. Her work has helped her contribute to the Nature Conservancy of Canada and to personally preserve almost five acres of our West Coast for future generations.

When I Was There, 75x60, oil on canvas
Green Lake Morning, 36x72, oil on canvas

Modern Design

Aaron Hazel

Combining his profound understanding of wildlife and their natural environments with his technical prowess, Hazel creates visually stunning pieces that showcase the beauty of the animal kingdom. His attention to detail and mastery of various mediums have garnered him widespread acclaim, both in publications and national galleries.

Queen, 36x48x2, oil on canvas
Benny, 48x36x2, oil on canvas

April Matheson

Being drawn to abstract but having grown up practicing realism, April Matheson has recently developed new processes that allow for a more collaborative exercise between artist and medium. No longer tethered to realism’s technical restraints, her latest works incorporate collage, acrylic and oil, using a ‘remove & reveal’ process she developed while making an absolute mess exploring her new unburdened creativity.

Sun Valley, 48x60, mixed media (collage, acrylic, oil)
Moonrise, Early-May, 36x36, mixed media (collage, acrylic, oil)

David Yarrow

David’s evocative and immersive photography of life on earth is most distinctive and has earned him an ever-growing following amongst art collectors. His large monochrome images made in Los Angeles are on display in leading galleries and museums across Europe and North America. He is now recognised as one of the best-selling fine art photographers in the world and his limited edition works regularly sell at high prices at Sotheby’s and other auction houses.

Bear Island, 3/12, 52x93x2, archival pigment print
Hell's Kitchen, 2/12, 37x58, archival pigment print

Virtual Installations

Envision art in your space with our complimentary virtual installation service.

Andrea Moore, The Scout, 60x40
Kenneth Harrison, Ringrose Over Oesa, 36x48
Charlie Easton, Endless, 30x60

Are your visitors searching for the perfect work of art? Perhaps they’ve found several, but you’re not sure how they will integrate with the other elements in your environment? Allow us to create a Virtual Preview of the art for you.


Utilizing digital photographs of your interior, we’ll superimpose to scale your preferred works of art from our gallery or website - this is a complimentary service we offer at The Whistler Contemporary Gallery.

Partner with us to transform your spaces with the perfect blend of art and professionalism

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Get in touch


Whistler: (604) 935-1862
Jasper: (780) 852-5378
Banff: (403) 760-2382


4599 Chateau Blvd,

Whistler, BC V0N 1B4



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